Sources of Inspiration


15th Feb 2011

Example of Sound
Blue Planet- Blue Whale extract
The sound/music gives the impression of vastness, something I'd like to include in the project

Example of Sound
Another music type I find appropriate is the soundtrack from Tron Legacy
It gives movement to the imagery within motive

Soarin'  17th Feb 2011
Concept of great inspiration
One of the main reasons I wanted to look into 3D and visual perfection was after being on the ride Soarin'
Here is a purpose built arena for exploring the world
Content, both visual and audio are highly relevant and of inspiration. 

Other Papers Read

Making 3D Technology Universal, David Geer
Good overview of the ways of watching 3D

Autostereoscopic 3D Displays, Neil A. Dodgon
Extremely useful, went to Dodgons talk

Volumetric 3D Displays and Application Infrastructure, Gregg E. Favalora
Off topic but very interesting, hologram displaying

3D Displays without Glasses: Coming to a Screen near You, George Lawton
Really useful article that was easy to read and understand

Dissecting the Human Identity, Karl Ricanek Jr.
Biometrics and ID, off topic but interesting.  The future of technology

White Light Transmission Holography, Kaveh Bazargan
Difficult read and little relevance