Initial Ideas

Current Research Area


Background: Film and Moving Image Production.  Specializing in Animation and Production Design.

BA (Hons) Dissertation Paper: 
Children’s Fantasy Films based on British Novels from the past 10 years.  An in depth look at The Golden Compass (2007), The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) and Nanny McPhee (2005), Production Design, Character Story and Plot.

Interests: Currently lie in the relationship between media formats such as game, animation, film etc, after going to the Sheffield Doc Fest Cross over summit last year.

I'm also interested in the comparison of animation and game, specifically structure.  Whether the same format can be used for both specialisms and if a formula can be produced to create both an animation and game concept.

Design is key to my work therefore rendering techniques and material based software's would also be an area for consideration.

Plan:  I shall be researching into these areas over the next week with the intention of refining an area to then develop and study further.

A point of interest, Interfaces
After working in 3D, on a 2D display with a 2D interface I believe the market is open for a 3D interface.  Though the commercial brain computer interface is not something I'd develop, the concept of using a better suited interface is very appealing.

Future Research:  Possible questionnaire to establish the potential of the technology
The First Commercial Brain Computer Interface, Feb 21 2008

Different Forms of Interfaces

Interfaces 18/10/10
I have been looking at different interfaces available on the market for gaming/game design, animation/interactive film.  What appears to be the case is that the majority of 3D mediums are designed and played on 2D interfaces.

These include:

Graphics Tablet
Console Remote (controls are limited to single face attributes, other than triggers)

On animation/game software such as 3D studio max, Mudbox and Zbrush short cuts on a keyboard are available however the possibility of having an interface that allows those keys to be redundant would make the software more accessible and commercially available.

At present this is a key element I feel, that is neglected by the industries.  Creativity cut short by technology.


Demonstration done by Jefferson Han, founder of Perceptive Pixel 18/10/10

As an interactive interface I find this technology very relevant to the topic I'm currently looking at.  The concept of being without the restriction's of keys is very appealing however it is still a 2D interface.

The technology involved was developed and used by intel to promote the intel core i7 proccessor DigitalTrends (2009) <>

AREL- Augmented Reality in Education and Learning 18/10/10
Website contains an article on the use of augmented technology in education.  Using text books with key letters or images to trigger the computer to produce more information and/or accompanying 3D image.

Research Topic: Interfaces 20/10/10
After looking into various areas of interests I have found interfaces to be the most interesting.

Looking at ways in which we interact with technology from keyboards to motion capture and how this has evolved and will continue to develop.

While researching for my dissertation I went into considerable depth into motion capture technology making this a key factor for development.

Breakdown 20/10/10
A study of input devices/interfaces

Questions that I'd like to answer:
    •    What is the future for input devices?
    •    What's on the market at the moment?
    •    Could there ever be a univeral input device/interface?
    •    History of input devices?
I am particularly interested in the use of these devices in design, animation, film and gaming.
2D interface, 2D monitor yet 3D product.  Is there a market for a product that allows elements to be worked and developed in 3D?

BBC review-XBox Kinect 25/10/10
XBox Kinect put through its paces by Radio 1 listeners:
This sort of input device most definately has a place in the future of interfaces.  However, it's limitations are already showing through particularly it's lack of physically.
Rory Cellan_Jones plays X-Box's 'Kinect' controller:
Link to the refered Rare a game development group:
[Accessed 26/10/10]

Correspondance with Dr N. Dodgson 01/11/10
After attending 3D in your face I emailed Dr Neil A Dodgson asking for his opinion on the topic of 3D input devices.

Response: I do have experience with novel 3D input devices, but there is nothing that yet seems to be the “killer device” that knocks all the others out of the competition. The Phantom. From Sensable Technologies, is well-regarded

The Phantom 01/11/10

PHANTOM Omni® Haptic Device
The SensAble Technologies PHANTOM® product line of haptic devices makes it possible for users to touch and manipulate virtual objects. The PHANTOM Omni model is the most cost-effective haptic device available today. Portable design, compact footprint, and IEEE-1394a FireWire* port interface ensure quick installation and ease-of-use.
See the Technical Specifications below or in the PDF from the Related Links.
Highlighted Features
    •    CE certified
    •    Six degree-of-freedom positional sensing
    •    Portable design and compact footprint for workplace flexibility
    •    Comfortable molded-rubber stylus with textured paint for long term use and secure grip
    •    Removable stylus for end-user customization
    •    Two integrated momentary switches on the stylus for ease-of-use, and end-user customization
    •    Compact workspace for ease-of-use
    •    Constructed of metal components and injection-molded plastics
    •    Stylus-docking inkwell for automatic workspace calibration

Meeting 02/10/10 Nick Cope 02/10/10

Key points taken from meeting:
Game Trak- company that developed 3D input devices made bust by wii

Analogue input device, possibility of looking at two input devices
Possible contact: Paul Taylor from University of Hull.  Developer of 'Robot and Brick'

Blender possibly has a 2 input plug-in

Software to look at: UNITY and UNREAL TECHNOLOGY

Is there a market for 3D input devices? 01/11/10

Now that a project is starting to manifest I feel it important to look at whether this technology is actually wanted in the various industries it touches. 

A potential 3D input device could be used for many applications however I feel the two main areas that would benefit from the technology is with design software or as a controller for gaming.

Do people in these areas want a 3D input devices and how would they see it be developed?

Though at present my research is taking the form of collecting information about current devices I feel it important to look at the future of the technology and how it could be developed, potentially by myself or a more technologically able body.

Future Research:  Possible questionnaire to establish the potential of the technology